Thursday, November 15, 2007


I was trying to put the bags of 4 each TP under the bathroom sink, while sitting...well, you can guess. Anyway, the angle was not so good, and I missed, four times. Emma had been watching the whole thing, and said...

"Mom, you are pathetic!"

If only you could have heard the "appropriate" inflection.

Then the next day, I was telling someone on the phone, how she had called me pathetic, and she pipes in and says...

"Well, you kept missing!!"

Oh my...she cracks me up.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Emma: (looking at old pictures of herself) "Mommy, I love my pictures!"

Mommy: "That's cool baby, but I sometimes don't think so, cuz you leave them all over the floor!"

Emma: "That's only because Parker does, and I just follow his lead!"

Um...need I remind you, she's 4.


Parker: (laying on the couch wearing only pants) "I'm so glad I'm not a girl, cuz if you're a girl, and you're relaxing, you wouldn't want to take off your shirt!!"


Nick had just gotten a breathing treatment, and was a little jittery. We go to the pharmacy to get his medicine, and I tell him to go get me a drink. He says, "Can I get a soda?" I said, "Nick, It's 11:00 at night, and you're already jittery you don't need something full of sugar."

So he returns with SUGAR FREE...ROCKSTAR!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2007


In the middle of the morning mad rush, Jack came walking up to me, and I noticed his hands were ice cold. I grabbed them, and kissed them all over, trying to warm them up.

I said to him, "Baby, why are your hands so cold?"

Emma, stating the obvious said,

"He was playing in the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



I got Emma some crumb donuts out of a vending machine. She had maybe two of them, when I had to put them in my purse for later. I got them out later, and they were all crushed, and broken.

She was all mad.

I said,
"They are fine!That's what happens when you eat them."

Her reply...
"NO, that's what happens when you put them in your purse!!"

Oh my...I giggle just writing it... :)


So the subject of pee came up today. Yes, urine. Steve says, "If you are ever lost in the desert, you can drink your pee."

Parker FREAKS out.

I say to him, "When your pee comes out of your body, it's sterile. Like when you pee in a cup, all you have to do is wipe real good. But it's ready to be tested, when it first comes out!"

Parker FREAKS out again! "That is DISGUSTING!! Why would anyone do that!!" Things of that nature.

Emma, who has been silent up till now, pipes in. "Gosh Parker, I do it all the time!!"

HAHA!!! She thought we were still talking about peeing in a cup!!!



It's 9:30 at night. I'm walking through the living room, Parker is laying on the couch, fading fast, watching TV.

I hear a commercial for the news at ten:

News anchor: Kids and chicken pox...they got the shot...but still got sick...are your kids at risk?

Parker, without skipping a beat: YA!!! (with a DUH! tone in his voice)

And you think he doesn't pay attention! :)

(if you don't know, he got them twice last school year! A week before Christmas, and AGAIN, in April)